关于app transfer之后的开发

news/2024/7/4 23:01:17

原文  http://blog.csdn.net/donghong2008/article/details/38020855


网络上有很多开发者提问怎么转让App并想知道具体的流程。实际上Appstore的App转让流程还是比较简单的,下面特酷吧根据自己的实际操作总结下iOS Appstore中App的转让流程,供大家参考。对网络开发不明白的朋友可以看IOS研究之网络编程Cocoa Streams使用详解
至少有在Appstore上发售的版本,即应用状态为:”ready for sale”。其他一些条件参考itunes connect中应用详情页面点击”Transfer App”给出。
使用苹果开发者帐号登陆到itunes connect,进入已经上架的App详情页面,点击”Transfer App”,如果转让的条件满足就点击”Continue”。出来的页面会让填写”Recipient’s Team Agent Apple ID”和”Team ID”,”Team ID”可以在https://developer.apple.com的membercenter-Your Account-Account summary-Developer Account Summary中找到。
确定之后,在itunes connect中的Contracts, Tax, and Banking-Transfer Agreements会看到这个转让信息,这个时候如果接收者没有接收,你是可以cancel这个转让的。而且:
Once an app transfer has been requested, the recipient’s Team Agent has 60 days from the day initiated to accept the request. Contracts that have not been accepted within 60 days will be canceled. App transfers can take up to two business days to complete, depending on an export compliance review.



转让之后,App的Bundle ID是不变的,转让的过程也会伴随着App ID的转让.。比如特酷吧开发了一款Bundle ID(App ID)为”net.tekuba.word”的App,转让给B,那么特酷吧的苹果开发者账户中的这个App ID就会消失,而B的开发者帐号中就会多一个”net.tekuba.word”的App ID。这个时候如果B想继续开发这款App,只需要在B的开发者账户下生成”net.tekuba.word”App ID对应的Provisioning Profiles文件安装即可。





I just got this warning when submit my app to app store, it is just warning, not error. This app was transferred from another developer account to my account before, so the prefix of the App ID is changed.. I think this should be unavoidable, but since I got this warning, what does it affect my app actually? What Keychain access would be lost?

15down voteaccepted

Have you transferred the app from another developer account to your one? The previous provisioning ID will obviously be different.

UPDATE - For clarification

I have noticed that this answer is getting a lot of views so I will just edit it to include my further explanation from the comments below.

Basically the previous version of your application will NO longer be able to access keychain in order to save secure strings such as passwords (if it contains this functionality). This is because the distribution/provisioning profile it was signed with contains a different ID than the one you are using in your new distribution/provisioning profile because you have transferred your app from a previous account to your new one.

However any NEW versions of your app which are signed with the latest distribution/provisioning profile WILL be able to access keychain as normal in order to save secure data if they need this functionality because they are signed with a distribution/provisioning profile which contains the latest App ID for that app.








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